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today's journal entry A title it would be. DEVOTION. My mother was a devoted Christian she did many good deeds, such her work with the. elderly and underprivileged in the community but her strict religious beliefs. Often manifested themselves and harsh and deeper and violent discipline of her children. She wanted to eradicate sin from every aspect of her children's me One of the things My mother enjoyed doing as a Christian devotee. was To go to a Friend’s home to watch the Noted evangelist Billy Graham on television. She loved hellfire Sermons. I don't know this for sure, but I imagine her . Belting out the altar call song. That were featured on the program. I was not attracted to this sort of harsh religious practice, but in my older years I have Become a devotee of a different Path . A more gentle path. Now I. Enjoy watching a Spiritual video Podcast on YouTube, in addition to the teachings, which I find to be very inspiring, the podcast features The singing of Sanskrit mantras. As I listen to the teachings. With rapt attention, I can't help but think about my mother. Listening to Billy Graham. And I find myself belting out the Sanskrit mantras., just as my mother belted out the Alter calls. Somehow my experience helps me understand her more and to be a little more forgiving of her harshness.


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