For years, I had been a halfhearted participant in our nation’s traditional holidays. As the holiday season approached in late 2017, I found myself unable to muster any motivation at all to participate in the mad rush, to do everything in the way it is “supposed to” be done.
Instead, I felt inspired to start a different tradition. It was something I’d wanted to do for many years, but had lacked the courage to let go of the old and embrace the new. I presented my idea to my family, and they expressed enthusiasm about joining me on a new holiday journey.
And so, my family and I now celebrate each changing of the season: winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice, and autumn equinox. Yesterday, we welcomed the coming of spring with food, décor, and a simple ceremony.
We are fortunate to enjoy many spring-times in our lives, many opportunities for new beginnings after cold, dark passages on our soul’s journey.