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Because of my vision problems in the aftermath of my injury, writing is extraordinarily difficult for me at times. I wonder why I put myself through the pain, and I often think about giving up. But yesterday, something happened that gave me the boost of energy I needed to keep going. A reader sent me a message, telling me that she’d been suffering from brain/neurological symptoms, and had been on a medical odyssey that seemed to take her nowhere. While looking for another book on Amazon, she came across my book about my brain injury, DAYS OF DAZE. After reading it, she realized many of her symptoms where similar to mine. Armed with that information, she discussed her symptoms with her physician, and was eventually diagnosed with a brain injury. She is now in rehab.

Reading my book gave her the information she needed to find an accurate diagnosis for her own condition. Receiving a validating message from her shored up my sagging confidence. The benefit is mutual. Amazing!

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